The Savvy VetTech

Rough week? A Guaranteed Laugh with this VetTech Mad-Lib!

Written by Lori Hehn | Jun 2, 2016 1:00:00 PM

Remember playing madlibs as a kid?  A Mad Lib is an interactive story that you add words to. When prompted, you insert a specific type of word. Once all words are added, the story is ready.  Here is one for you to try, Vet Tech style!

A Vet Tech Mad-Lib: Early Morning Crisis

It was early in the morning, and _______________[vet tech-coworker] hadn’t had her_____________ [beverage] yet and was acting cranky. The phones were ringing like _____________ [adverb]. There were _____ [number]surgeries scheduled for the day. Oh __________[expletive], how are we going to get through our day with a full schedule when the __________[noun]keeps ringing off the hook?

Meanwhile, in the lab, there are 3 ____________ [adjective]fecals that need to be ran. They are making the hospital smell like a ____________ [noun]. Is it wrong that this is making me hungry for ______________ [favorite food]so early in the morning?

You ask _____________ [vet tech coworker]to take care of the fecals, there is no way you are dealing with that _________ [noun]when you have ______ [number] _____________ [noun plural]to pre-medicate for surgery and ______ [number]appointments coming in.

The veterinarian arrives and he is in an ____________ [adjective] mood. He says _______________ [another coworkers' name] won’t be coming in today, because she called in sick for ___________________ [verb].

“____________________________ [your favorite phrase],” you say! I am here to save the _____________ [noun]!
And off you go as the best _________________ [adjective] vet tech to get yours and everyone else’s jobs done. You totally rock the _________________ [adjective]day and your boss decides to give you a raise of ______ [number]dollars an hour.

And the next day you decide to bring ________________ [favorite beverage]in for everyone to celebrate your _________________ [adjective]raise, and it’s a great day afterall!

The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for the VTNE

You're of course going to need to study a ton to nail the test, but there are a lot of tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your study time and we've packaged those up in a free guide.

Some of the Top 15 Tips include:

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format
  • Tackle the Weak Subjects Early
  • Start Sooner and Ease Into It
  • ...and 12 more!