As part of general practice, we frequently see newly adopted pets and are asked many questions in regards to training and introducing a new pet into the household.
Veterinary technicians are often this first contact at the time of the appointment and get many questions from the owner about welcoming and care of this new adoptee into their home. We want these new pets to be part of the family and want to ensure a smooth transition.
Sometimes adopted pets need some behavior training and guidance when they are introduced to a new home.
Here are a few tips and reminders to share with clients in helping the pet to find a place in their family:
1) Teach the dog to sit and stay before opening any doors.
In the first few weeks in a new home, they are at a high risk for bolting out of any opened door. Before opening the front or back door, get them accustomed to having their leash connected before they are allowed to go through. It is a good idea to have pets microchipped. Learning basic commands will help with the transition.
2) The summers can be excessively hot.
The hot pavement can cause burns on a pet’s foot pads. Also, extended periods of time outdoors can lead to a very serious condition called heat stroke. Dogs do not have the ability to sweat and have a difficult time cooling themselves in the heat. In the summertime, it is best to limit walks to very early morning before it gets hot and otherwise keep pets indoors. Make sure pets have fresh water daily.
3) Give lots of affection.
This is the easiest way to win a pet’s trust. Frequent petting, brushing, and playtime help a pet to feel secure.
4) Crate train the pet if they have destructive tendencies.
Make their crate a positive place to go and sleep. This will keep them safe, and the furniture safe. Provide indestructible toys for them to play with.
Let clients know: Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If they are experiencing a behavior problem with their newly adopted pet, they should seek out advice from their veterinarian or a behaviorist. We should do everything we can to make sure the client and new pet get the help they need to resolve the situation.
The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for the VTNE
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