You have made it through vet tech school and now the VTNE® is the last hurdle standing between you and your new career. You’ve heard about the exam, and you may have already started studying for it, but how much do you really know about the VTNE®?
Read MoreVTNE Test Day: What Every Vet Tech Student Should Expect
Cathy Barnette - Aug 26, 2019 10:31:34 AM
VTNE study,
VTNE Information,
VTNE Testing
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Stressed about the VTNE®? Try THESE Techniques!
Flavia Vaduva - Aug 19, 2019 8:00:00 AM

If you’re stressed about preparing for the VTNE® exam, you are not alone. Most veterinary technicians I’ve spoken to about the VTNE® were in the same boat. However, their individual stress management tips were very different.
Studying in different places, taking breaks and spending time with pets are just a few of the recommendations I heard. Undoubtedly, different techniques may be more effective in some individuals than in others.
Thankfully, there are many different categories of stress management techniques that have been scientifically proven if you are stressed about the VTNE.
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VTNE study,
VTNE Information,
VTNE Testing
Should You Start Studying for the VTNE Now?
Flavia Vaduva - Aug 2, 2019 1:00:48 PM
First, before you start studying, make sure you have planned when you’re going to take the exam. The answer for when you should start your studies depends on your test date.
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VTNE study,
VTNE Information,
VTNE Testing,
VTNE study guide