This article makes a good point. Even I did a Twitter Chat on Compassion Fatigue because it has become such a hot topic. It is important that the issues of suicide and depression are being talked about, but focusing on this issue at a constant could make it seem that vet med is a real downer. Instead of getting swept up in the negatives in our profession, it suggests that we try to focus on more of the positives! Think about what it is you love about your job.
I love that every day is different. There are always different cases to see and I still learn something new every day! I even saw a dog with narcolepsy the other day (I have never seen that before, and thanks to the neurologist for diagnosing it)! And I think about the clients that really depend on us to help their pets- they truly appreciate our services and would be lost without us. I am thankful that this profession, even in times of recession, still seems to hang on. There will always be more pets that need us. And I love that in vet med there are different opportunities and avenues to explore if you really do get tired of doing one type of job.
I concur that getting too wrapped up in the stresses could be a real issue. Know the warning signs and risks for compassion fatigue, and take steps to prevent it, but don't dwell on the negative. Take steps to make your job more enjoyable. Do you have any thoughts on this topic?
"I’m glad that suicide and depression in the veterinary profession are out of the closet and getting the attention they deserve. But might the subjects be getting too much attention? At this year’s American Veterinary Medical Association convention in San Antonio, more than one veterinarian and veterinary nurse who attended a day-long track on depression and suicide happened to catch me in a hallway and said something like, “Now I’m depressed; I wasn’t, but I am now.”
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