This article is very eye-opening and very sad. Where is the middle ground of responsible pet-ownership and letting animal control enforce the law without overburdening owners with costs they can't afford?
"In a number of cities across the country, animal control agencies are aggressively going after pet owners with big fines for small violations. Some hold people's pets until they settle their bills, even if it means they end up killed. Others leave the dogs alone but issue arrest warrants for owners who can't pay up..."
Continue reading from CNN Money.
Dr. Hehn's Take
I do agree that fines or some form of consequence is a necessity, and people who own pets need to follow the rules of the county they live in for the protection of the people and the animals.
The issue is that there are just too many animals without homes, thousands being euthanized every week, and not enough facilities to take them in or staff to help find them all homes. Factor in the compassion fatigue of workers in these facilities and dealing with the frustration of people's irresponsibility on a daily basis. Perhaps, if someone cannot afford to pay the fine, they could agree to put in some community service hours at the shelter to help run the facility in return for reducing their fine and getting their pets back safely and more quickly. Then the people in violation will see first hand what these facilities are up against and in turn be part of a bigger solution. Revenue is needed to keep the facilities open, and thus the steep fines. The community is going to have to come together to fix this situation. Both sides will have to give a little.
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