We are excited to be hosting a Twitter Chat on Client Communication this week!
When? This Thursday, September 10th at 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Where? Twitter
Host: @savvyvettech
Who? Vet techs, students, receptionists, vet assistants, veterinarians, and managers

If you have not participated in a Twitter Chat before, it is a very fun and easy thing to do!
- RSVP that you will be attending here.
- At the time of the chat (double check your time-zone), log-in to Twitter and go to @savvyvettech page on Twitter.
- You will see posts with the hashtag #vettechchat
- If you follow @savvyvettech already, then the posts will automatically show up on your feed. However, if you follow a lot of people, and because a chat can get busy, it may be easier if you are new to Twitter chats to just follow it from the host's page.
- Another easy way to join is via TweetChat.com. Just go to their website, type in the hashtag #vettechchat and follow it and interact on their interface. It is very simple and automatically adds the hashtag for you! Just log-in with your Twitter info.
- Anything you type for the chat should include this special hashtag #vettechchat at the end!
- You will be asked an occasional question and will see for example (Q stands for Question1): "Q1. What is something you do to make a client feel comfortable during their vet visit?" #vettechchat
- Then you would reply (A1 for answer 1 to the first question): "A1. I greet them and their pet by name."#vettechchat
And on it goes. There are helpful tidbits of information to be shared by the host and participants as well as these types of questions to get the attendees to interact. You can also respond to others in the chat directly by replying and using their Twitter name @XXXXX (don't forget the hashtag #vettechchat). A great way to learn important information on certain topics, and make new friends and followers on Twitter! We hope you will join us! Guide For Participating in Twitter Chats