Link: Giant Gob Of Gorilla Glue Pulled From Dog’s Gut

Quiz: Do You Know How These Parasites Are Treated?
Take this quick quiz to see if you know how these parasites are treated. Be sure to take our other quizzes!
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Skin Diagnostics In Pet Patients
Veterinary technicians are often asked to collect samples for skin cytology, fungal cultures, or perform skin scrapes. This is a review on the most common techniques which veterinary technicians perform.
Read MorePOLL: What's Your Favorite Way To Study?
This week's VetTechPrep Poll for all the Vet Techs out there: What's Your Favorite Way To Study?
Take this quick poll! Be sure to check out our other polls!
Read MoreLink: How Dangerous Is That Dog?

Did you know: Enucleation
Did you know enucleation is defined as the removal of the globe, nictitating membrane, eyelids and conjunctiva (depending on the technique). It is the most common orbital surgical procedure performed by veterinary ophthalmologists and veterinarians.
Read MoreQuiz: Do You Know These Acronyms in Vet Med?
Quiz yourself to find out if you know what these vet med acronyms stand for! Be sure to take our other quizzes!
Read MoreVet Tech, Don't Get Hurt At Work
Overall, the veterinary clinic seems like a pretty safe place to work. Sometimes it is important to stop and think about the hazards we may encounter in our jobs and take the steps to minimize the risks of injury.
Read MorePOLL: Did You Work In Vet Med Before Going To Vet Tech School?
This week's VetTechPrep Poll for all the Vet Techs out there: Did You Work In Vet Med Before Going To Vet Tech School?
Take this quick poll! Be sure to check out our other polls!
Read MoreDid you know THIS about Piglets?
Did you know that piglets are born with "needle teeth" which are deciduous third incisors and canines? They are clipped off within hours of birth.
Read MoreThe Art of Anesthesia in Brachycephalic Dogs

Hot Topic: Medical Marijuana For Pets
It is only a matter of time until marijuana for medical and recreational use is approved in the majority of states. As some states gain approval, toxicities in pets from this drug have increased. But what about potential medical use in pets for pain control, cancer, and helping quality of life during end-stage diseases?
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