Why is it important to know Anatomical and Directional terminology in veterinary medicine?
Read MoreThe Importance of Knowing Anatomical and Directional Terminology
Quiz: What is the Packed Cell Volume in This Patient?
Reading a PCV is something that every vet tech must do. What is the PCV according to the chart in this quick quiz? Be sure to take our other quizzes!
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Veterinary Shaming - What to do when you get a Negative Comment
As a veterinarian and practice owner I follow several pages on Facebook. I have recently realized just how bad veterinary shaming can be. Social media monitoring is very important as shamers can quickly escalate negative commentary on your page.
Read MorePOLL: What is the WORST smell in the clinic?
This week's VetTechPrep Poll for all the Vet Techs out there: What is the worst smell in the clinic?! We also had written about this very NICE topic in the past. You can read that here.
Take this quick poll! Be sure to check out our other polls!
Read MoreCan Tornados Can Cause Pneumothorax In Dogs?

Cats and Dogs over the Age of 3 Years
My Vet Tech Story: Karen Bass, CVT

Karen Bass is truly an inspiration to the veterinary technician profession. She graduated from vet tech school in her 50's after working in the industry on and off for years- proving it is never to late to do what you love. She works as a CVT and manager at a no-kill shelter and you will enjoy her story and many pearls of wisdom!
Read MoreTraining Tips From "Lucky Dog" Trainer Brandon McMillan!

Infographic: Keep your Pets Safe on the 4th of July
The safest way for your pets to celebrate the Fourth of July, is to remove them from the festivities! Find a nice quiet, secure spot for them, away from the action.
Then you can enjoy the holiday knowing your pet will be happily and safely waiting when you return home.
Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!!
Read MoreCan you name this Condition based on the X-Ray Alone?
Reducing Pet Anxiety During Fourth Of July!
With Fourth of July just a few days away, it is important to remember the real anxiety that many pets may experience during the fireworks celebration.
Here are a few tips to share with clients when they have a dog that suffers from anxiety during this time, and some important reminders for all pet owners!
Read MorePOLL: What do you love most about being a vet tech?

This week's VetTechPrep Poll for all the Vet Techs out there: What do you love most about being a vet tech?
Take this quick poll! Be sure to check out our other polls!
Read MoreLink: "Rocky 3" the Dog Recovers From Paralysis

Did you know THIS about Propofol?
Did you now that propofol is a potent respiratory depressant and if given too rapidly can cause apnea?!
Be sure to check out our other fact posts.
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