The VTNE will have several questions for which you will need to perform calculations. We will be having several blog posts on how to do different types of calculations. It is good review for in-clinic use as well as studying for the VTNE. Here is a quick review of how to calculate a dose of injectable medication. We want you to know how to calculate pet drug dosage.
Read MoreHow to Calculate a Dose of Injectable Medication
How To Calculate Injectables That Are A Percent Solution
Today we are learning how to calculate injectable medication that is a percent solution. Let's start with a word problem. Try to answer it first, then click the button for the math and explanation.
Read MoreCalculate Fluid Rates For This Dog With Pancreatitis
Here is a nursing word problem for you Vet Techs, soon to be called Vet Nurses on hot to calculate fluid rates for this dog. Read the case, try to calulate it on your own, and then hit the button to view the answer.
Read MoreA Nursing Word Problem (Answer)
Let's Practice Calculating A Constant Rate Infusion (CRI)
Let's work through the math on calculating constant rate infusion word problem!
An 11-pound Yorkshire Terrier has been prescribed a 2 mg/kg/day constant rate infusion of metoclopramide. The metoclopramide is to be added to the intravenous fluids. If the concentration of metoclopramide is 5 mg/ml and the Yorkie’s fluid rate of Lactated Ringer's (LRS) is 20 ml/hr, how many milliliters of metoclopramide should be added to a 500 ml bag of intravenous fluids?
Read MoreCan You Calculate A Drip Rate?
We rarely need to calculate a drip rate due to our fluid pumps doing all the work for us. But what if your fluid pump gives out, or your pumps are all being used by other patients and the doctor tells you a fluid rate to start a patient on with no pump?
Do you know how to do this? Let's walk through this medical calculation together by doing some word problems:
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