Link: Lead Exposure In Pets During Flint Water Crisis

How You Can Better Communicate With Clients!
Technicians are often a first point of contact when a client enters the hospital with their pet. To ensure a successful visit, good client communication skills are a must.
There are a few key pieces that should be a part of any visit. As we all know, a first impression can be lasting and we want clients and their pets to have a positive experience.
Read MoreVet Tech Funny: How Vets Infuriate Their Techs!

Keep your Pets Safe this Summer
Summer is about backyard BBQ's with friends and family. Be aware of a few things during these events. Check out this infographic.
Be sure to check out our other fact posts.
Read MoreQuiz: What arrhythmia or pattern do you see?
Take this quick quiz and see how well you can identify the issue! Be sure to take our other quizzes!
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Can You Calculate A Drip Rate?
We rarely need to calculate a drip rate due to our fluid pumps doing all the work for us. But what if your fluid pump gives out, or your pumps are all being used by other patients and the doctor tells you a fluid rate to start a patient on with no pump?
Do you know how to do this? Let's walk through this medical calculation together by doing some word problems:
Read MorePOLL: Vet Tech or Vet Nurse?
This week's VetTechPrep Poll for all the Vet Techs out there: What do you prefer to be called, a veterinary technician or a veterinary nurse?
Take this quick poll! Be sure to check out our other polls!
Read MoreLink: Vet Nurse or Vet Tech? Both Sides of the Debate

Fact: Increased Intraocular Pressure
Did you know that glaucoma is an increased intraocular pressure resulting in damage to the retina and optic nerve? Be sure to check out our other Fact Posts!
Read MoreLink: How to WOW Pets and Owners!

My Vet Tech Story: Krystal Baxter, CVT
Krystal Baxter has a great story to share. She is a certified veterinary technician that is currently in a more non-traditional position working with Blue Buffalo.
She has had lots of different experiences in her journey and you will enjoy hearing her story!
Read MoreLink: The Craziest Veterinary Technician Stories

Infographic: Heat Stroke In Your Pet
Check out this infographic on the signs of heat stroke in your pet.
Be sure to check out our other fact posts.
Read MoreQuiz: Do You Know These Surgical Instruments?
Take this quick quiz and see how well you know your surgical instruments! Be sure to take our other quizzes!
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Rough week? A Guaranteed Laugh with this VetTech Mad-Lib!
Remember playing madlibs as a kid? A Mad Lib is an interactive story that you add words to. When prompted, you insert a specific type of word. Once all words are added, the story is ready. Here is one for you to try, Vet Tech style!
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