Do you know the genioglossus is the largest muscle of the tongue? There are different actions of the genioglossus. The posterior part extends the tongue, the middle part depresses the tongue, and the anterior part retracts the tip of the tongue.
Read MoreLink: Dogs Are Born With Ears And Tails, They Should Get To Keep Them!

The procedures in our link article are called tail docking and ear cropping, and they’re commonly performed on this breed and many others. But they’re really amputations by other, more euphemistic names. This is a hot topic in our profession and in the breeding world, but a healthy discussion is important.
Can Humans Get Heartworms?
We know about hearworms in dogs and cats, but what about humans?
Dirofilaria immitis, or heartworms, are transmitted via mosquitoes. Dogs are the natural host, however, other species may become infected.
Humans may become infected when they are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying this parasite, after it is acquired from a canine carrier. These infections in humans are NOT common, and even though it is very serious in dogs, it is not very harmful in people.
Read MoreLink: Dogs Euthanized Over Unpaid Fines?

This article is very eye-opening and very sad. Where is the middle ground of responsible pet-ownership and letting animal control enforce the law without overburdening owners with costs they can't afford?
Infographic: STOP! It's Fracture Time!
Virtually all bones are susceptible to fracturing whether you are a human or an animal- we all break! The most common long bones that are prone to fracturing are the humerus, radius, femur and tibia.
Veterinary surgeons categorize these fractures into different categories: Closed (simple), Open (compound), comminuted fracture, epiphyseal (growth plate), greenstick (hairline), or pathologic fracture.
Read MoreQuiz: Do You Know The Gestations Of These Species?
Take this quick quiz to see if you know the gestations of these species. Be sure to take our other quizzes!
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Let's Practice Calculating A Constant Rate Infusion (CRI)
Let's work through the math on calculating constant rate infusion word problem!
An 11-pound Yorkshire Terrier has been prescribed a 2 mg/kg/day constant rate infusion of metoclopramide. The metoclopramide is to be added to the intravenous fluids. If the concentration of metoclopramide is 5 mg/ml and the Yorkie’s fluid rate of Lactated Ringer's (LRS) is 20 ml/hr, how many milliliters of metoclopramide should be added to a 500 ml bag of intravenous fluids?
Read MorePOLL: What Heartworm Prevention Does Your Practice Recommend?
This week's VetTechPrep Poll for all the Vet Techs out there: What Heartworm Prevention Does Your Practice Recommend?
Take this quick poll! Be sure to check out our other polls!
Read MoreLink: Dog Re-united With Owner After 12 Years

A dog has been reunited with his owner 12 years after he disappeared. Cody the Pomeranian got out of the house when he was one year old. Recently, a Good Samaritan brought Cody in to MADACC.
Did You Know This About Schirmer's Tear Tests
Did you know a Schirmer's tear test is used to diagnosis keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), otherwise known as "dry eye". The test measures the amount of wetness on the eye and can be used to measure tear values.
Read MoreLink: True Love...Does Your Heart Beat In Sync With Your Dog's Heart?

My Vet Tech Story: Samantha Rowland, LVT, VTS (anesthesia)
This month we are very happy to share the story of a Large Animal Vet Tech! She is an inspiration and we know you will enjoy her story!
After reading her story, be sure to check out her feature from Wilson College: What It's Like To Be An Equine Veterinary Medical Technician
Read MoreLink: Are You A Facebook Warrior?

Infographic: Basic Suture Patterns
Do You Know The Primary Toxic Agent In Chocolate?
Take this quick quiz to see if you know the primary toxic agent in chocolate. Be sure to take our other quizzes!
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