If you work as a vet tech in small animal general practice, you will become familiar with the treatment of canine and feline diabetes. While there are several interspecies differences in the management of diabetes, there’s also a key similarity between dogs and cats: the need for insulin.
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As a vet tech student, it’s important to be familiar with these commonly-ordered images, so that you are prepared to assist on externships or at your first job.
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When veterinarians perform radiographs to evaluate the hips of potential breeding dogs, there are two methods they may use: PennHip radiographs and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) hip radiographs. While these two methods of hip evaluation have similar goals, there are a number of differences between the two techniques.
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An understanding of vaccine reactions will help you react quickly when these reactions do occur and help you provide valuable information to your clients.
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Veterinary behavior is an interesting field, as well as an important one. Behavioral issues are the number one reason that dogs are relinquished to animal shelters and the second most common that cats are relinquished to shelters.1
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But what if it doesn’t have to be that way? Clients who have a positive experience are more likely to keep returning to your clinic, giving you and your coworkers more opportunities to educate that client and provide optimal care for their pet.
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Understanding common clients that you may see in practice, and developing strategies to work with these clients, can go a long way towards helping your career off to a successful start.
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Imagine this scenario: You’re working as a vet tech at your first job, just a few months after graduation. One morning, a client rushes into the clinic in a panic, on the verge of tears.
“Help, I think Duke had a stroke! He seemed fine when I left to take the kids to school, but when I came home he was lying on the ground. He can’t even stand up without falling over! Can someone please help me bring him in?!”
You and your coworker get Duke, a 10 yo MN Labrador Retriever, from the car and carry him inside to an exam room. The client tells you that Duke had been acting completely normal.
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